Friday, June 02, 2006

Asset Tracker 8.03 Unique Identifiers losing last digit

This issue isn't a problem if you are using the standard GUID that is generated by the scanner, only if you are creating your own indentifier.

In a lot of cases the Unique Identifier, that is generated by the HATScanner.exe file and placed into the LDIScan.cfg file in the root directory of the asset, is replace with a more meaningful value. In most cases this is an asset or computer number that is associated with the hardware of the asset which allows rebuilds of the software configuration to occur without generating a new asset in the HAT database.

The issue is that in some cases (mostly when the UID is all numbers) the last digit of the UID is dropped when doing the comparison with the database. For example if you were scanning 3 assets with UIDs of 101, 102 and 110 the system would upload 3 files and only add 2 Assets to the database.

Adding a prefix to the UID made no difference.
Adding a suffix works OK (in my tests I added a "." or an "a" and both worked fine).

This wouldn't present much of a problem for the standard guid as it's a 32 digit number and the chance of the first 31 digits matching is only slightly more likely than when it was 32 characters.

The best solution is to add part something like the Customer's initials to the end of the UID when it is created