Friday, March 28, 2008

A couple of ITSM Tricks/Bugs

Tip Number 1: Frontrange ITSM License Timeouts in

The following piece of code is in the Web.Config file in the ServiceManagement folder:
<fusionserverconfiguration instanceid="A210F41B9C0B4492AC54EE90566D51B6" connectionname="">
<usersessionmanagement sessionexpiration="20"/>

The line <licenseframeworksettings> seems to be redundant for the license timeouts. Removing that line of code (after making a backup) and reset the IIS.

After this the license server should release license sessions after the timeout specified in the (in minutes)

Tip Number 2: Field Validation Errors in Frontrange ITSM

When you select Validation on a field there is another field created in the background called {Fieldname}_Valid. If the field name is longer than 20 characters the field is created with the first 20 characters of the field name then “_Valid”. The issue occurs if you have 2 fields where the first 20 characters of the name are the same and both fields have validation (of any type). When you Commit you receive and error saying that the fields share the same validation but have different validation rules.

The solution is to remove validation from one field. Change the name of this field apply this change then re-add the validation.