Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Frontrange Foundation Dashboard

I had the chance to play around with the new IT Service Management offering which is built on the new Foundation Technology.

Part of the new foundation is the Dashboard. The biggest thing that caught my eye was the flexible ad hoc reporting functionality it provided.

Basically you can design a "Search" (a nice user friendly window around building a query) and then attach a graph/chart to it and place it in the dashboard.

Clicking on the graph allows you to drill down into a grid format of the current data for that search.

The really cool thing is you can then drag one (or more) of the colomn headings into the title bar and the grid will now be grouped (not sorted, but yes grouped) by that field. If you want more grouping just drag more coloumns up. It's a really simple but extremely powerful concept.

You can check out an IT Service Management Flash demo of the software.

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